International Bestselling Author
Earth Speaks Up
A groundbreaking book of wisdom, guidance,
and tools provided by Earth and the
Angelic Realm to show us specifically how to expand into our new perception, our new
relationship with Earth.
Available Through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Retailers Worldwide or Direct Through Sacred Stories Publishing!

MARY MCNERNEY has learned how to attune to Earth’s voice and vibration, and how to work together co-creatively with Earth and the Angelic Realm.
In Earth Speaks Up she shows us that this is an innate capability which we all have, humanity has just become separated from it by societal and cultural structures imposed over time. Through Earth Speaks Up, wisdom, guidance and tools are provided by Earth and the Angelic Realm to enable us each re-awaken our skill and ability to listen to Earth, and to work together with her on the fundamental energetic level of co-creation.
We are shown how we each have the capability to create positive change, for Earth as well as ourselves. Mary leads us in an entirely new direction of connecting with our planet, a way we haven’t yet imagined.
Mary received her law degree from Georgetown University and had a career in corporate and international law in Boston and Prague, until she was unexpectedly propelled into this entirely new direction of working together with the Earth, and sharing Earth's voice through writing and experiential workshops. She is an active member of Lifenet Geomancy, an international organization of people on the leading edge of working together with the Earth on the energetic level, and a founding member of Lifenet Geomancy North America.

The Book

Earth Speaks Up
This book is like nothing you have read before.
It will completely change how you perceive the Earth.
Humanity’s understanding of Earth throughout history is filled with a series of awakenings. We once believed the Earth was flat, stationary, and the center of the universe; over time we learned otherwise. Today we hold onto the belief that Earth is merely a compilation of dirt and rock. Our past experience shows us, though, that our perception of Earth needs to be fluid, open to change.
Earth Speaks Up brings you to our next new wonderful awakening: knowing Earth as a sentient and communicating being, an Earth who is eager to consciously connect with you and with all of humanity.
Through this book, Earth and the angelic realm become your teachers, providing the wisdom, guidance, and tools to help you:
Learn to attune to Earth’s voice and vibration and connect to the beneficial energy and wisdom which is Earth’s essence.
Gain insights on Earth and the Sacred Feminine; the deeper meaning of the Solstice; the creative energy within rock formations; and many other aspects of who Earth fully is.
Understand more about what global warming is, what is driving our weather patterns, and how you can initiate change. Learn a dynamic new pathway for co-creating in partnership with the Earth and the angelic realm.
This groundbreaking book shows that we each have an important role to play in the health and well-being of our planet. The simple yet profound exercises will enable you to work together with Earth in an extraordinary new way. How you respond to things that concern you, from climate change to caring for your own backyard, will completely change. You will develop a new and deeper relationship with Earth; a relationship that will benefit and change you individually, as well as benefit and change our world.
Available Through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Retailers Worldwide or Direct Through Sacred Stories Publishing!
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